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PhD opportunity!

Ana Davidson ( and I are recruiting a Ph.D. student to study the ecological and demographic signatures of plague resistance in prairie dog populations@CSU_FWCB. More info here:

Penguins Swimming in Sea

Join The Lab

Undergraduate, Graduate students & Postdocs

At this time, I am only considering applications from students that have secured their own graduate fellowship(s) from competitive solicitations (e.g., the NSF GRFPNSF PostDoc, etc.). I am also happy to support and mentor students interested in leading fellowship application efforts that they have identified, if our respective interests converge to similar research goals. 



Graduate students working with me can receive degrees in Ecology or Fish, Wildlife, and Conservation Biology. Individuals accepted into the lab will be enthusiastic about research in the fields of ecology, life history evolution and conservation, and will keep an open mind to quantitative modeling.

Students who already have demonstrated experience publishing their own research are strongly encouraged to reach out.

Note that prospective graduate students should contact me to discuss a research project before applying to CSU graduate school.

I am also eager to advise post-docs that are interested in joining my lab and have secured their own post-doctoral fellowship, as well as fellows who seek my help in preparing research proposals.


Lab Philosophy 

Every member of the lab contributes to making our working environment nurturing, welcoming, and productive for all individuals who decide to join us. We welcome all ethnicities, religions, genders, countries of origin, and other aspects of diversity. We are also happy to engage with student organizations that help promote the success of minorities, first-generation students, and veterans. 

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