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Zen Stones


*lead or senior author

**equal contribution

***advised undergraduate / graduate students / postdoc


In preparation and under review

44. Aubry L.M.*, John Iversion and S.S. French. Impact of tourist supplementation on long-lived iguana survival. 

43. Kanaziz R.***, [...] L.M. Aubry***. Maternal nutritional stress and philopatric behavior of daughters in an asocial mammal. 

42. Nelson S.***, Hudgens S.***, McBride T., Carr P. and L.M. Aubry*. Spatial and Temporal Dynamics of Human-Black Bear Conflicts. 

41. Nelson S.***, McBride T., Carr P. and L.M. Aubry*. Anthropogenic determinants of Black bear litter size. 

40. Nelson S.***, McBride T., Carr P. and L.M. Aubry*. Black bear reproductive success in an anthropogenic landscape. 


39. Kepas M., Sermerseim L., Hudson S.B., Lehmicke A.J., French S.S. and L.M. Aubry* (2023). Flyover Noise Disturbance on Colorado Checkered Whiptail Behavior, Stress and Metabolism. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, accepted

38. Aubry L.M.*. Demographic Methods across the Tree of Life (2023). Quaterly Review of Biology. Accepted IF = 2.231

37. Jenouvrier S., Aubry LM, Van Daalen S, Barbraud C, Weimerskirch H, and H Caswell. When the going gets tough, the tough get going: effect of extreme climate on an Antarctic seabird’s life history. Ecology Letters. IF = 9.492. Accepted

36. Aubry L.M.** and C. Williams (2022). Phenological Plasticity: from Molecular Mechanisms to Ecological and Evolutionary Implications. Integrative and Comparative Biology. IF = 3.326

35. Wells C.***, Barbier B.***, Nelson S.***, Kanaziz R.*** and L.M. Aubry** (2022). Fitness Consequences of Climate Change in Hibernating Mammals: A Review. Ecography. IF = 6.45

34. Kanaziz R.***, Huyvaert K., Van Vuren D., Wells C.***, and L.M. Aubry (2022). Maternal survival costs in an asocial mammal. Ecology and Evolution. IF = 2.9133. 

33. Aubry L.M. (2022). Review of “Habitat Ecology and Analysis” by Joseph A. Veech. Quaterly Review of Biology. Accepted IF = 2.231

32. Fay R., Authier M., Hamel S., Jenouvrier S., van de Pol M., Cam E., Gaillard J.-M., Yoccoz N., Acker P., Allen A., Aubry L.M. et al. (2021). Quantifying fixed individual heterogeneity in vital rates: Performance of correlated random effects for Bernoulli variables. Methods in Ecology & Evolution, IF = 7.781

31. Caracalas H.***, French S., Webb A.C., Hudson S.B., Kluever B.M. and L.M. Aubry* (2021). Reproductive Trade-Offs in the Colorado Checkered Whiptail Lizard (Aspidoscelis neotesselatus): a Study of the Relationship between Clutch Size and Egg Volume. Evolutionary Ecology IF = 2.133

30. Kusaka C.***, Eifler D.A., Eifler M.A. Livo L.J., Aubry L.M. and J.M. Walker (2021). Aspidoscelis Neotesselatus (Colorado checkered whiptail): dietary observations and biology in the northern part of the range. Western wildlife, 8:1-7.

29. Aubry L.M.*, Laverty T., and Z. Ma. Impacts of COVID-19 on Ecologists and Evolutionary Biologists in US Doctoral Institutions (2021). Ecological Applications, 31(2): e2265. IF = 4.525

28. Aubry L.M.*, Webb A.C., Hudson S.B., Kluever B.M. and S.S. French (2020). Competing reproductive and physiological investments in an all-female lizard, the Colorado checkered whiptail. Evolutionary Ecology, 34(6), 999-1016. IF = 2.133

27. Jenouvrier S., Aubry L.M., Barbraud C., Weimerskirch H. and H. Caswell (2019). When the going gets tough, the tough get going: effect of extreme climate on an Antarctic seabird’s life history. BioRciv, doi:

26. Aubry L.M.*, Eifler D., Utsumi K., and S.S. French (2019). Demographic assessment of the triploid parthenogenetic lizard, Aspidoscelis neotesselatus, at the northern edge of its range. Herpetological Conservation and Biology 14(2):411–419. IF = 0.595

25. L.M. Aubry* (2019). Fishing in hot waters threatens phenotypic diversity. Journal of Animal Ecology. DOI: 10.1111/1365-2656.13066. IF = 4.36

24. Falvo C.***, Koons D.N., French S.S. and L.M. Aubry* (2019). Climate change impacts on a hibernator’s survival: a 50-year perspective. Ecology and Evolution, 9(7): 3756–3769. IF = 3.14

23. Koons D.N., Aubry L.M., and R.F. Rockwell (2019). Liberalized harvest regulations have not affected overabundant Snow Geese in Northern Manitoba. Condor, 121(20), IF = 2.73

22. Jenouvrier S., Aubry L.M., Barbraud C., Weimerskirch H. and H. Caswell (2018). Interacting effects of unobserved heterogeneity and individual stochasticity in the life history of the southern fulmar. Journal of Animal Ecology, 87(1): 212–222. IF = 4.36

21. Falvo C.A.***, Webb A., French S.S., L.M. Aubry* (2018). Immunity and growth trade-offs vary with elevation in a hibernating small mammal, Urocitellus armatus. Integrative and comparative biology, 58, 312-312. IF = 2.149

20. Mullins M.*** (undergraduate), and L.M. Aubry* (2018). Impacts of Road Closure, Climate, and Vegetation Change on Elk demography. The Intermountain Journal of Science (accepted). IF = 0.5

19. Raithel J.D***., Reynolds-Hogland M.J., Carr P.C., and L.M. Aubry* (2017). Why Does the Regulated Harvest of Black Bears Affect the Rate of Human-Bear Conflicts in New Jersey? Case Studies in the Environment,

18. Authier M., Aubry L.M., and E. Cam (2017). Wolf in Sheep’s Clothing: Model Misspecification Undermines Tests of The Neutral Theory for Life Histories. Ecology and Evolution, 7(10): 3348–3361, IF = 2.537

17 Raithel J.D***, Reynolds-Hogland M., Koons D.N., Carr P., and L.M. Aubry* (2017). Recreational harvest and incident-response protocols reduce human-carnivore conflicts in an anthropogenic landscape. Journal of Applied Ecology, 54(5): 1552-1562. IF = 4.564.

16. Cam E., Aubry L.M.**, and M. Authier (2016). The conundrum of heterogeneity in life histories Trends in Ecology and Evolution, 31(11): 872–886, IF = 16.196.

15. Wolfe M.L., Gese E., Stoner D., Terletzky P., and L.M. Aubry* (2016). Evaluation of harvest indices for cougar management in Utah. Journal of Wildlife Management, 80(1): 27-36. IF = 1.726. Last author led all aspects of this work.

14. Wolfe, M. L., Koons, D. N., Stoner, D. C., Terletzky, P., Gese, E. M., Choate, D. M., & Aubry, L. M.* (2015). Is anthropogenic cougar mortality compensated by changes in natural mortality in Utah? Insight from long-term studies. Biological Conservation, 182: 187-196. IF = 3.562. Last author led all aspects of this work.

13. Dowd J.B., Gese E. and L.M. Aubry (2014). Winter space use of coyotes in high-elevation environments: behavioral adaptation to deep snow. Journal of Ethology, 32: 29-41. IF = 0.79

12. Koons D.N., Gamelon M., Gaillard J.M., Aubry L.M., Rockwell R.F., and O. Gimenez (2014). Methods for studying cause-specific senescence in the wild. For Methods in Ecology and Evolution, 5(9): 924–93. IF = 5.322

11. Koons D.N., Rockwell R.F. and L.M. Aubry (2014). Effects of exploitation on a native invasive species: the lesser snow goose dilemma. Journal of Animal Ecology, 83(2): 365–374. IF = 4.726

10. Aubry L.M., Rockwell R.F., Cooch E.G., Brook R., Mulder C., and D.N. Koons (2013). Climate change, phenology and habitat degradation: drivers of gosling body condition and juvenile survival in lesser snow geese. Global Change Biology, 19(1): 149-160. IF = 8.224

9. Dowd J.B., Gese E. and L.M. Aubry (2013). Coyote movements into lynx winter habitat: snowmobile trails as a driver for inter-specific competition? Plos One, DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0082862. IF = 3.534

8. Cam E., Gimenez O., Alpizar-Jara R., Aubry L.M., Authier M., Cooch E.G., Koons D.N., Link W.A., Monnat J.-Y., Nichols J.D., Rotella J.J., Royle J.A., R. Pradel (2013) Looking for a needle on a haystack: inference about individual fitness components in a heterogeneous population. Oikos, 122: 739-753. IF = 3.559

7. Berg N.D., Gese E.M., Squires J.R. and L.M. Aubry (2012) Influence of forest structure on abundance of lynx prey species in western Wyoming. Journal of Wildlife Management, 76(7): 1480-1488. IF = 1.64

6. Aubry L.M., Cam E., Koons D.N., Monnat J.-Y. and P. Samuel (2011) The role of unobserved and observed heterogeneity in shaping survival in a long-lived seabird. Journal of Animal Ecology, 80(2): 375-383. IF = 4.754

5. Verheyden H., Aubry L.M., Merlet J., Petibon P., Chauveau-Duriot B., Guillon N., Duncan P (2011) Faecal nitrogen, an index of diet quality in roe deer Capreolus capreolus? Wildlife Biology, 17: 166- 175. IF = 0.989

4. Cam E. and L.M. Aubry** (2011) Early condition, recruitment and reproductive trajectory in long lived birds. Journal of Ornithology, 152:187-201. IF = 1.632

3. Aubry L.M., Rockwell R., and D.N. Koons (2010). Metapopulation dynamics of mid-continent lesser snow geese: implications for management. Human Wildlife Interactions, 4(2): 11-32.

2. Aubry L.M., Koons D.N., Monnat J.-Y. and E. Cam (2009). Consequences of recruitment decisions and heterogeneity on age-specific breeding success in a long-lived seabird. Ecology, 90(9): 2491- 2502. IF = 4.411

1. Aubry L.M., Cam E. and J.-Y. Monnat (2009) Habitat selection, age-specific recruitment, and reproductive success in a long-lived seabird, the black-legged kittiwake; In Modeling demographic processes in marked populations series, Environmental and Ecological Statistics, 3:365-392. IF = 1.47

Other (e.g. lab texts, book reviews, technical reports, in-house reports):


Agency Reports

Aubry L.M., French S.S., and D. Eifler (2021). Demographic and physiological monitoring of the Colorado checkered whiptail on Fort Carson, Colorado: An integrated conservation approach, Final Report for USFWS.

Aubry L.M., French S.S., and D. Eifler (2019). Demographic and physiological monitoring of the Colorado checkered whiptail on Fort Carson, Colorado: An integrated conservation approach, Phase 2. Annual Report for USFWS.

Aubry L.M., French S.S., and D. Eifler (2018). Demographic and physiological monitoring of the Colorado checkered whiptail on Fort Carson, Colorado: An integrated conservation approach, Phase 1. Annual Report for USFWS.

Wolfe M., Gese E., Terletzky P., Stoner D., and L.M. Aubry* (2014). Evaluation of harvest indices currently used for cougar management in Utah: Oquirrh-Stansbury and Monroe Units as case studies. Utah Division of Wildland resources.


Theses & Dissertation

Aubry L.M. (2009). Influence of recruitment decisions and reproductive investment on the age-specific demography of a long-lived seabird: Implications for senescence. PhD Dissertation, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research, Rostock, Germany / Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France

Aubry L.M. (2005) Spatial structure of the Roe deer’s dietary quality (Capreolus capreolus) in a fragmented landscape. Master Thesis, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France

Aubry L.M. (2004) Habitat selection and age at first reproduction in a long-lived species of seabird, the black legged Kittiwake (Rissa tridactyla); Honors Thesis, Universite Paul Sabatier, Toulouse III, France

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